First Baptist Church Weaverville
1261 Main Street, Weaverville, CA 96093
(530) 623-4191
Introduce people to Jesus Christ, disciple believers to spiritual maturity, equip the saved for ministry,
demonstrate God's love through service.
Sunday Worship
February 9, 2025
Travis Flournoy
Teaching Pastor
“God Tramples Down the Waves of the Sea”
John 6:16-21
plus Live Feed
SUPER BOWL PARTY AT THE FLOURNOYS - Sunday, February 9th at 2:30 PM. Bring your favorite finger foods and your favorite games to share. Watch the “Big Game” or play some board games. Join us for a great time of food, fun & fellowship!
ALL-CHURCH BIRTHDAY PARTY - Sunday, February 16th right after the morning service! Lunch will be a Baked Potato Bar, with potatoes provided by the church. Please sign up in the foyer if you are coming and note if you can bring a potato topping or dessert. If you are attending, please bring a "White Elephant" gift for the gift exchange. Join us for some great food, fun & fellowship.
This Week's Devotionals:
February 9-15, 2025
Sunday | Psalm 20, Genesis 44-45 |
Monday | Matthew 9:1-13, Acts 13:1-25 |
Tuesday | Psalm 21, Genesis 46-47 |
Wednesday | Matthew 9:14-26, Acts 13:26-52 |
Thursday | Psalm 22:1-11, Genesis 48 |
Friday | Matthew 9:27-38, Acts 14 |
Saturday | |
9:00 AM - Adult Sunday School class - Church Sanctuary
9:00 AM - Children's Sunday School classes -Family Life Center
- Kindergarten - 2nd grade
- 3rd - 6th grade
10:30 AM - Morning Worship Service, Children’s Church program and Nursery ministry most Sundays.
9:30 AM - Ladies' Prayer Cell - Family Life Center
10:00 AM - Ladies' Morning Bible Study - Family Life Center
7:00 PM - Men's Bible Study - Family Life Center
7:00 pm - Ladies' Evening Bible Study - every other week - next is February 20 - Family Life Center
Most Sundays there is a Live Stream of our morning Sunday Worship Service on the church's YouTube channel. @FirstBaptistWeavervilleCA/streams
WILD GAME FEED - To be held Saturday, March 22 At 6:00 PM in the Family Life Center. Our special guest speaker will be Dave Newton. Watch for more details soon.